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May 23, 2011


moncler doudoune

Don't know what is wrong what is rite but i know that every one has there own point of view and same goes to this one

mulberry alexa outlets

I thank thee that I am none of the wheels of power but I am one with the living creatures that are crushed by it.


I am sitting at my computer looking at my grandmother's handwritten praline recipe, I keep it posted above it. I am going to fram it also and hang it in my kitchen so I can see her everyday...tears!!! Thank you so much, your cottage is an inspiration to me, I am going to make the coffee filter wreath very soon!


I love handwritten, vintage recipes. I have some of my mother-in-law's, who passed away 26 years ago at the tender age of 51...I need to find them and frame them. Thanks for the reminder!

Andrea Rayna

What a lovely idea!

I can see this causing problems in my family, because we have a little cattiness with the sisters, so maybe for Christmas I could have super good color photo copies made, and do one for each sister?

I rescued the originals from the recycle bin after Mother died, I am keeping them...LOL


I have lots from my mom...gonna frame them for Christmas gifts for my son and daughter..GREAT IDEA...Thanks for sharing..you have always been so good about letting us know this kind of thing. Thanks so much....;))


Hi Tina,

These old recipies are great. I have some of my moms and grandmothers. I am 57 yrs old, so the ones I have are old ones on the original cards. I photo copied them, and Cynthia of Cynthias Cottage design made a collage for me with them. It came out awesome. Please click here to see the post I wrote about it, and a picture. http://pinkrosesandteacups.blogspot.com/search?q=vintage+recipe+collage


That is a great idea. I have a bunch of my Mother in laws recipes. She was 92 when she passed away a few years ago. I'm going to do this. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for a great idea! I have two :
a pineapple bread pudding and a chocolate peanut butter egg recipe that is in my Mom's handwriting.Might froof them up with some cute background paper and a few spring/Easter antique postcards.

Treasured and useful,I love it!

Paula Doss

What a great idea! I have several recipes that my grandmothers wrote many years ago. I can't wait to find them and frame them. Thanks for the tip! Love your blog, by the way.


Such a sweet idea. It would be nice if you had a small photo of you and her together to include in the frame. ;-)


Tina, What a wonderful idea. I have a couple from both my grandmothers but I have a stack from my great aunt. She didn't have any children and lived next door to my grandmother, Dad's mother. Loved to visit Aunt Lena, she was so special to me. She and my Mama taught me early to love cooking.

Heidi Woodruff

Great idea--I'd love to frame some of my mom's recipes! (She turned 82 yesterday! Young as ever!)


I love this idea! I have my grandmother's Pumpkin Cookie recipe written by her just a few years before she entered a nursing home. So precious to me.


me too.....love those handwritten recipes! Have one for Bourbon Balls written by my grandmother, who I never met, hanging by my sink with her vintage tea steeper!! I see it every dingle dangle day....!
and I have all of my mom's in her handwriting, with so many lil notes in them.


Oh, what a great idea. Thanks for giving us all the idea to do the same. My mother has passed on but I have all of her cookbooks, filled with hand-written recipes. I can't wait to look through them all now!


That's a fantastic idea! How about one from your own mom and one from your husband's mom. Fun!


Tina I really like that idea. A friend of mine framed some Victorian calling cards like that. I have mom's hand written recipes and some of grandma's too, so I will have to do this.
I have my Aunt's school Home Economics workbook from the 20's and it has all kind of hand written recipes in it. It also has recipes cut from magazines. Have you made any of the recipes in the frame? Let us know if they are good.

Tracey in Paradise Pa

Love the precious recipes.
What a lovely idea to frame.
Thanks for sharing.
Granny Trace

Linda Enright

What a great idea! I have many vintage recipes and at one time thought of wallpapering a wall with them. I like this much better.


That's a wonderful idea, Tina, particularly the way you chose to honor the memory of your grandmother.

I lost my father just a month ago, on April 26th, and the realization that our generation has become the elders in our family, is really hitting me now. It's so important to preserve those special memories we have of loved ones!

Marilyn (in Dallas)

Rita May

What a great Idea. Very charming art with meaning for a cottage kitchen.


Oh, my gosh.......the pound cake recipe looks like it could have been written by my precious Mom! Love it!!

Teacup Lane

I have hand written recipes from my Mother too. I think I will frame them as that's a good idea.

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