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December 16, 2015


Jann Olson

Tina, your blog is one of the first ones I discovered. Charming as ever! Love your Christmas home and had to pop back over. Happy New Year!


Your home just gets lovelier every year, and the girly-girl is cuter and cuter.
Blessings to you and a big hug,
PS: I am in LOVE with that beautiful green runner!!

Deborah D

Tina, your home is truly beautiful. I can see us sitting down, drinking coffee, and enjoying a visit. You've make your home cozy an comfortable. May you all have a blessed and Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Enjoy the tour tomorrow.


Oh my goodness!! Your home is just so welcoming and beautiful and cozy and quaint and everything that I love! I'm so glad that you opened up your home for us to view! I've enjoyed following your blog for the past few years and am never disappointed! Merry Christmas and may 2016 be a great year for you and your family!

Jann Olson

Love seeing cherry hill cottage all decked out for Christmas! Everything is so warm and cozy!


Hi Tina. So glad you were part of the tour so I got to see all your sweet home decked out for Christmas. Every corner of it is charming! Rhondi xo

Becky R

I meant MARLEE Pearl's house!!

Becky R

Tina, your home is so sweet, as always, and I love your Christmas decor! So much inspiration! I like the stack of Christmas tins, the tins used for trees and Pearl's house! Everything is just wonderful!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!


Susan Freeman

Tina ~ your home is as charming as ever. Love all your special Christmas touches and I especially love your little playhouse! Merry Christmas to you!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


Tina, thanks so much for letting us take a peek at your lovely home decorated for Christmas. It's absolutely beautiful, as always!! I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!

Tina Smith

checking to see if comment link is working...
THANKYOU getty825 for letting me know💓

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