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April 07, 2013


Gloria McAllister

those peanuts must be wormy by now Tina. come back!

Park Place

Great summertime food.


Hey girl! The peanuts are long gone and we are missing you. :)


Hello Tina!

Been a while since my last visit. Beautiful here as always.:) My Honey and I love shell peanuts. We sometimes put them in the oven for just a minute or two, delicious warm.

Enjoy a beautiful weekend dear friend.




I found your archive! Yeah! Elizabeth


Hello! I am such a fan of your blog. It's delightful with so many wonderful decorating tips. I have come to love Texas from all that you share. Is it possible for you to post an archive button as it is difficult going backwards to read all the posts missed. Looking forward to your next post! Elizabeth, Creative Breathing

Gloria McAllister

I found the cutest jar yesterday at an antique mall. It's not old, but is a big candy jar and the lid on it has the graphics from the Animal Cracker Circus. Cute, cute, cute. Needless to say...I need some animal crackers now to fill it up!

Gloria in Virginia

Tina Smith


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Gloria McAllister

You made me go out and buy peanuts in the shell!!

Gloria in Virginia


Like several people before me have written, you are the first blog I ever read, and still my favorite, it is so wonderful to see your posts again, you have a wonderful talent! Hope your spring and summer are great!


Like several people before me have written, you are the first blog I ever read, and still my favorite, it is so wonderful to see your posts again, you have a wonderful talent! Hope your spring and summer are great!


I have to confess that I love to feed them to the birds. Bluejays love them!


Ditto to what Elsie just said!

I completely agree...I do believe you could create a masterpiece out of just about anything. I wish I had even an ounce of your talent!

Marilyn (in Dallas)


Tina I could eat the whole glass jar of those. They look so good! I just knew you would have the song "Peanuts" playing.
Pretty jar you have too. I sure like that silver tray in the background. See you even make peanuts pretty! LOL!

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