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October 04, 2010


Belstaff Outlets

Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright.


Sabra and Judy! Both friends from my Cottage Collectibles days. I'm so glad to hear they were the ones who visited you in Canton. Your Judy is my Judy!

And I've been on the receiving end of Judy's creativity before as well. It's heavenly to have such a talented friend.

Tracey Johnson

Tina Smith


Thank you so much for sharing your sweet comment about Judy.

You two are very lucky to have each other!!

We're all friends!!

I love that!!

Sabra Patton

Judy is so very talented. But the best talent and gift she has is she is a wonderful friend. She and I have been close friends for many years and I count her as the most special gift from God. i have been on the recieving end of her generosity and I am happy to share her with you.

Betsy B

What cute adorable pillows! How sweet of her!!



I can't think of anything that says CHC more than those pillows. Absolutely perfect for your home.

Beautiful job, Judy Clark. :-)

Marilyn (in Dallas)


Really cute! They'll look fabulous in your cottage!


Too cute! The one with pom-poms is adorable and so perfect for your darling home.

liz grundvig

All of it - I love it all - the sweet pillows, the sweet heart that thought of you and sent them to you, and reading all about it!

Southern Lady's Vintage

Those are the absolutley cutest pillows! And so perfect for Cherry Hill Cottage!! How sweet of your friend!! I love them!

Jan Rudloff

I adore these pillows! I wished she had a website to sell them. They are perfect in your wonderful cottage. Enjoy! Jan

Kathie Truitt

I'm just now 'comin' off the road' and am home for a few days and catchin' up on my reading. You have the BEST ideas. Wish we were neighbors...but then again we'd never see each other because I'm packing to go on another trip!

I love the doll house idea - I have a little chipmunk that always likes to visit my front porch - maybe I can find one of these at a thrift store or garage sale. Cute.


They are darling and so "you" and so "Cherry Hill Cottage". I think she hit the nail on the head. Unexpected gifts and the very best!

Dollys Cherry Heart

Oh Miss Tina those pillows would be perfect in my cherry cottage too! :-)
I need a friend like Judy! :-)
What a sweet generous person! I am lovin those pillows!

Thanks for teasing me!
Hugz, Dolly


I absolutely love those pillows!!


I'd say that looks just like "Cherry Hill Cottage". How nice of her and she is right
it looks just like you. Love the vintage
pin, I will see ya at the end of Oct. so
you better wear it so I can steal it,oops
I mean see it. Have a good day.":O)


Precious! She does beautiful work !


How very dear of Judy... those pillows are perfect for your cottage.


They are so YOU!!!


Very cute and perfect too!

Sharon Wengel

Love , love, love those pillows ,specially the one with the cherries , what a sweet girl to give them to you !


Hi Tina. I have a friend Judy Clark in Oklahoma. Is the Tulsa Judy? She is a wonderful seamstress and interior decorator.


Wonderful, sweet Pillows... funny, even when I go shopping and I see cherries,,,I think about your blog and how great they would look in your home... something about the cherry does it to me... Love these vintage softies!




What a sweet gift. They are really really pretty.

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