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June 29, 2010



This is really cute! Thanks for posting the idea.

If you are looking for vintage wallpaper samples, check out my collection on my Etsy:


Sandy Vines

Hi, I saw a piece on another site , like the one you have the knives in,,, which I think is so cute,, this lady said the are called a tulip holder vase... just thought I would pass that along.... I like the knives though, your site is so beautiful,,, Sandy

Home Decor

Me Too Wanna get a wallpaper like yours For my Home...


I've never done much with wallpaper, but I think I could have a lot of fun. I finally tried a border, and that turned out pretty good. I just love your "borrowed" creative idea!

Raised In Cotton~Carol

Hi Tina:)) Your table looks beautiful too! I would love to come visit and share a glass of iced tea with you one day:)))



coulda been mine? fifi did that to my coffee table for a recent photo shoot. who knows? awesome ideas are everywhere in blogland! looks amazing.



Tina~ love the idea, as long as someone doesn't set something wet on it. That would
be my luck. I have too much traffic coming
in and out. I have a whole roll of some that
has cherries on it, guess I could share.teehee. That paper you have looks really good on your table.
And "NO" Debra I would fight Tina for that
sign. That is the first thing I noticed on
the cover. Soooo Cute!!! O.K. we could share could'nt we TiNa...":O)

Donna at Mourning Dove Cottage

Love it! What a great idea. Thanks!



I want to have breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday in your kitchen, dining room. There's so much eye candy to look at I would loose weight and not eat, but oh yeah, you do all that baking and cooking and then photograph it so it shows off all it's yumminess, I guess it would be a bad idea:(. By the way the cover and accompanying article in the July 2010 issue of Romantic Homes magazine looks an awful lot like your kitchen. I'm pretty sure she drew a lot of inspiration from your awesome home, and so therefore she needs to give you that cherries sign over her kitchen window.



I have some leftover wallpaper that I've kept around just in case.

I'm so glad that I did because now I know how to give those rolls a new life and purpose. Love this idea!

Marilyn (in Dallas)

Fifi Flowers

FAB u LOUS idea!

Susan Freeman

What a cute idea!

Susan and Bentley


Cute idea!~Patti


Adorable of course.... hugs!


What a fun idea!


Last two posts- CUTE! CUTE1 CUTE!


What a great idea! I love this!

Kat :)


Hi Tina, your home is soooo beautiful, I LOVE your ideas! I am interested in purchasing the bride and groom cake topper you have listed. Can you email me? Thanks

Tina Smith

YES, it was Carol!!

Raised In Cotton...



Takes my breath away...BEAUTIFUL!!


I love wallpaper. In style or not, it adds so much warmth to a cottagy home! I have it all over my house :)



Cindy S

I love that idea too, I saw it at Carol Spinski's blog here: http://raisedincotton.typepad.com/raised_in_cotton/2010/05/my-buddy-karla-had-a-great-crafting-event-over-the-weekend-at-her-house-so-i-decided-to-invite-everyone-over-for-a-casual-lun.html
just in case anyone wants to know.
It looks lovely in your kitchen.

Maura @ Lilac Lane Cottage

What a wonderful idea and it looks so cute too! Love your decorating style Tina. Have a wonderful day....Maura :)

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