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December 22, 2008


jessi nagy

hey sweets,
darling idea.
perfect for my kitchen window.
Merry Christmas.


Terri Steffes

I have a ton of rosemary outside! Of course, it is covered in ice, but hey, I can make it work!

Delighted Heart

LOL Now I know what to do with Rosemary!!!!
I've got some but haven't cooked with it yet! I'm much better at decorating than cooking,,,,except for chocolate chip cookies. :-)

Rochelle Gaukel

So darling.....

Alauar Parrish

Your rosemary wreath looks very pretty, the whole vignette looks so lovely. Rosemary is my favorite it has such a great smell to it.

Merry Christmas



i love it that we have rosemary growing - it smells so yummy when we bring it in :)
merry christmas!

The Muse

Thrilled to find you!
I wish I could follow your blog, but alas, I have reached bloggers quota, isn't that sad? So I will strive to come and read here often!
I truly love the style...it is very much like what is here at our home...The Painted Nest


Very cute photo of your display! And who doesn't love rosemary!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!


I just love fresh rosemary. It will not grow outside here in Edmond, Oklahoma because it freezes. Love to cook with it too!!

Merry Christmas! Thanks for a year of beautiful pictures, great recipes, and fun!

Betty Jo

I so love rosemary, and I can smell it from here. Everything looks just beautiful and your Christmas plates are soooo cute. xoxo


Beautiful, i bet it smells awsome at Cherry Hill Cottage !


Rosemary for remembrance....

Happy Christmas to you, Tina.
Your cozy place is a daily stop for me.

Dawn @ (4:53 am)



I love the simplicity and elegance of your rosemary wreath. I bet it smells wonderful in your house right now.

I had to smile when I saw your picture, because the rosemary wreath brought back memories of Mika's wedding.

Gina @ Six in the Country

How pretty! I love the look of it, soft and gorgeous!

Merry Christmas!


Hi Tina,
What a perfect post for me to get back into the swing of Cherry Hill Cottage! Rosemary Wreath. How pretty you make everything look. I love the victorian picture of the girl holding the cherry. Have a terrific day. Hugs, Rosemary


Love the smell of rosemary. It is 10 below here in Iowa and this picture made me smile...........JAN


Hello Tina! Oh I still think that the little girl on that print does look just like you when you where little.- I also love the smell of the rosemary. Love your blog, - I sent you an e-mail too-xo, Valery

Jean Eakin

Tina , how pretty around the vintage print.My rosemary is still doing well here in Va. too. I'll have to bring some in.
Jean in Virginia

Deborah in NC

I love the scent of rosemary...and I really like the little girl with the bowl of cherries...bet you do to!


What a great idea! I have tons of rosemary.




You have such a lovely home. I love to come and just look and enjoy my time at your home.

Dawn Nickols

In my book, NOTHING beats the smell of Rosemary at Christmas time... and in the Spring... and Summer.... and on Chicken, LOL. I have more of it growing than anything else in my garden! Love the wreath!

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