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June 28, 2008


Marie Christopher

Oh, my goodness! How lovely and inspirational.


This is so inspirational--I had to go and immediately change some things in my living room ;0)

Down Pillow

I love the decorative pillows on the couch. That hutch is amazing too - jealous!

Lynne - The Clarkin Family

What a great site! I stumbled upon it while Blogsurfing!
Anyhow...I LOVE Kathy's house!
What color is her living room? I am looking for a rich yellow that will work well with red accents for my kitchen...please help!
Please email me the color or visit my blog! Thanks a bunch!

Kathy :)

Love it

Kathy :)


Well, just when I thought it couldn't get any better.......I am on the edge of my seat waiting for todays pictures!!!!!


Absolutely beautiful. Could you please go visit Kathy again at Christmas? I am sure it would be thrilling to see her decorations! Thanks for sharing


Sweet mercy! These are just about the prettiest pictures I've ever seen. If I were to visit in your sister's home, I don't know if they could get me to leave.

cindy ~ My Romantic Home

I am so enjoying this!!! I had the same feeling when I first found your blog and saw your cute cottage! Kathy sure has a lot of cute stuff!

Theresa-Garden Antqs Vintage

Wow Tina, is your sister a decorator or does she have a shop. Her house is JUST GORGEOUS!! OMG, I would spend hours looking at it all. She's so talented, as you are. Just beautiful!!

Jean Eakin

The black hutch is great and I love her treasures in it and on it. I love the tole trays too. They are also one of my many collections. I can't wait for the next room tour. Which one of you started this style of decorating first? Both of your homes are fabulous. Have a great evening, Jean


Great photos, and I look forward to seeing more. I not only get to peer into someone's home that is done up so well(and so far away from NJ), but I also might get (steal? no, borrow!!) some good ideas. thanks for sharing your sister's home, it's gorgeous, and P.S. your's is just as beautiful!!!


Great photos, and I look forward to seeing more. I not only get to peer into someone's home that is done up so well(and so far away from NJ), but I also might get (steal? no, borrow!!) some good ideas. thanks for sharing your sister's home, it's gorgeous, and P.S. your's is just as beautiful!!!


I can tell she's your sister! You both have the most AWESOME decorating style! This online tour is so much fun! Almost as good as being there! Thanks for posting! Patti


Beautiful! ;-)


OMG Gorgeous... so warm and inviting! Love it. You just want to sit down on her front porch and have a cuppa of something!!!


Thank you kathy and Tina for sharing!! My daughter has french doors between her living room and family room. And the picture of Kathys french doors have given some
great decorating ideas! Everything
is just sooo pretty! I also wish Kathy had a blog. Then we could have some sweet eye candy almost
everyday!!! You know us ladies
we enjoy looking at pretty things!
Dust does someone help you Kathy
dust? : =) Pamela in NE Ohio


Beautiful- especially that great black hutch surrounded by black tole-painted trays, the toile on the armchair, the rose pillow -just gorgeous.


Gosh , Tina!- If I were in Kathys home or saw these same rooms in a magazine- I would swear that it is so YOU!!lol, really You guys are so alike in decorating it is unreal! Sounds too, like Kathy is as sweet as you! Now if you would please post pics of your handsome twin, Tony's home- If his is cottage too, & decorated?I bet that if he didn't decorate it you girls did it for him?!- LOL I think you are one talented family already!

Please,- Kathy if you see this , give Tina some pics to post here of her Horses! I would love to see them., esp in front of your gorgeous home!

I still want to find a potrack just like yours.{hint, hint}LOL--Love, Valery


I love the Cottage look that isn't all white. You and Kathy both have given me courage and permission to work more with color. This has been a real treat -- and for FREE. Thanks, Tina.

Susan Drysdale

I love this house! Everything is too cute and I covet it all! What a fabulous house!

Becky from Tennessee

Tina, I agree with Kathleen Grace.....Kathy needs to start a blog! I really feel like a peeping Tom because I can't wait to see the pictures of her home each day......I guess there must be quite a lot of us peeping Toms!!! LOL! Ya'll have such similar tastes. It's always a treat to visit your blog, Tina, but this has been a lot of fun seeing Kathy's home. I'm ready to come visit....I have a close cousin that lives in The Woodlands so when I visit Jackie, maybe I'll just stop by Kathy's!!haha! Just kidding, Kathy. Can't wait until tomorrow.

Rosie's Whimsy

So beautiful! That black hutch is wonderful. I love all her details.

Kathleen Grace

Please, please, beg her to start a blog. I love it all!


Everything is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S but who dusts all these things?....and when?

Lisa B.

Tina...could you share the contact information for Louis Drain in Tyler...I'm not THAT far from there and would love to have slipcovers done for my favorite sofa.

Cathy Cobblestone

Each day I log on, I think it couldn't get any better and sure enough, IT DOES. Beautiful, once again!!! Absolutely love everything and I especially like this room cause I love black. As for the kitchen, my whole house would fit in there, ha ha - so charming. What's gonna be next? Best wishes to you both Tina and Kathy - Have a blessed weekend! Cathy Cobblestone


I have the great fortune of living across the street from Kathy, we both moved to this neighbor hood the same year. Kathy’s personality is like her house, very warm and happy! She and Pete laugh and play and enjoy life together. I’m so happy that Tina put these pictures for everyone to see because she loves, loves, loves to decorate her house. She works hard to keep up with all their dogs, birds and horses. I agree with everyone that your house should be in a magazine. I’m the lucky one here, I now have a personal decorator, she loves to share!! She has become my dearest friend. Kathy I love you and am so very proud of you.


I am overwhelmed with Cottage cuteness!!! That black hutch rocks! And I love all the mixed pillows on the couch! Soooooo awsome!!!

Mrs. Rabe

I am lovin' this tour of your sisters house!

Awesome - and I am feeling pretty good because she has the same colors in her house as I do, and nearly the same wall colors! I don't have a place for french doors or believe me I would have them too! We must be kindred spirits!


I'm having such a good time during my visit to Kathy's home. Thanks for taking me with you.


I love all the pictures of Kathy's home! It is amazing how similar your homes look! You both have very similar tastes. That must make it hard for shopping, you probably have to fight over some of the treasures....who saw it first!!! How wonderful that you have such a great sissy!

Hugs, Sharon


Hi Tina,

Oh I just love that black hutch! I am so inspired by these beautiful pictures that I think I'll have to do some cottage fluffing today :)


Susan Ramey Cleveland



Looks beautiful. How does she dust? LOL


Wow this is a lovely room. The sheep are great.

kathy b

I'm love'n your sister's house. It looks like a great shop,but nothing is for sale.

Thank you for sharing these wonderful photos.

Kathy b

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