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March 18, 2008


Penny Doll

Where can I get that cherry purse?? I LOVE IT!!! Great blog too!!!


Please ask Gabrielle where she got that darling purse..
I own a cherry store and want to carry it!


Oh my goodness is that purse adorable!!
Lucky you ;)


Journaling Through Life

Such a cute bag! Love it! love! love it!


Little cherry purse is so adorable!


I love your blog! I am dreaming of owning my own cottage
one day and would love for it to have similar features to yours :) You are welcome to visit my blog. Do you mind if I add your blog as one of favorite places?
Best wishes, Kimme


This was really a lovely gift. Love the material a lot.
Hope you get a nice Easter.
Love Elzie


That purse is so pretty, And goes into your
beautiful cottage so well.
Pamela in Ohio

Susan Ramey Cleveland

The cherry purse is wonderful.

Susan Ramey Cleveland

The cherry purse is wonderful.


You are very welcome....when I saw it I immediately thought of you...how could I not get it!! I never thought of it as a stationary holder...how perfect! Thanks so much for the enjoyment of your blog...

Barbara @ Southern Lady's Vintage

How cute is that!! What a sweet friend you have!

Barbara @ Southern Lady's Vintage

How cute is that!! What a sweet friend you have!


Oh, that's just adorable!!!

Teresa@PlumWater Cottage

Tina--this is oh so cute!

jessi nagy

so adorable



One can NEVER have too many purses and totes! :-) I love them.

Your cherry purse looks like a perfect organizer for your notes and stationary, not to mention how wonderful it will look in your home.

Are you going to hang it on the wall, keep it on your desk, hang it from a doorknob? I think it's going to look great wherever you put it.



What a perfect gift for you! I love it!

Roxie Meiske

That is beautiful. You are a lucky woman to have so many friends. Thanks for the blog. I enjoy seeing your cottage.
I do not personally live in a real cottage. I am trying to turn our home into a cottage. I learned a long time ago to 'bloom where I am planted' as my grandma told me. (we were a military family and moved a lot) Roxie

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