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January 23, 2008



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erXZj5yXXiU this is sweet, how to make apple pie to Judy Collins!!


Mama used to say that if the mix wouldn't pour into the pan( and sizzle too), it was too dry???


I finally threw out my 40 year old thin iron skillet and will get a new Lodge one! I found a can of dried buttermilk at Walmart on the baking shelf. I keep this for when I run out of buttermilk. The last time I made cornbread, I used the self-rising White Lily meal that I get in the five pound package for 1.79!!!( Is this a deal or what, when I get it for this, I buy extra and put it in the freezer) I put chopped onion so it would taste like hushpuppies!! Mercy!


OMGOSH. I just made your potato soup tonight, and it was the best potato soup I have ever had. I accidentally picked up the velvetta that has peppers in it by mistake, used it anyway, and it was great, you couldn't tell there were any peppers, maybe just added a zip. Thanks so much.



LOVE this recipe
i cook this up all the time!


i love recipes
that have only 3 or 4 ingredients,
that say
add a drizzle of olive oil,
then add salt,

like this--->slice a truly ripe tomato
and add a drizzle of olive oil,
then add salt,

what a great posting, great!

Ann in TN

I make my cornbread from a package mix, too and in my very black iron skillet. I do like White Lily cornbread mix the very best though. YUM!!!

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Your cornbread looks so good. My mouth is watering. I often use Martha White mix too. It makes good cornbread. And that potato soup from before looks yummy too.

Susan Ramey Cleveland

Your cornbread looks so good. My mouth is watering. I often use Martha White mix too. It makes good cornbread. And that potato soup from before looks yummy too.

The Nester

Get all that food out of my way woman, I gotta see that darling house! Off to search your blog for more photos!


That looks wonderful, Tina! Cornbread in an iron skillet ( which I think is a must for making cornbread) is pure comfort food. Love those Martha White mixes, too.

Is your iron skillet well - seasoned and been around for years and years? :-) There is something about an old, well used and well loved black iron skillet that makes me smile. You just know there was plenty of good cooking happening in that skillet.



Hi Tina,
Wow, that looks so yummy! I have wanted to buy a black iron skillet for awhile. It is a southern tradition to bake cornbread in an iron skillet? (I WILL DIET ONE DAY SOON!) Hugs, Rosemary~


We use an iron skillet for our cornbread, too! YUMMY...we love ours very thin and crisp and hubby always turns it over in the pan the last few minutes of baking so that it's nice and crispy on both sides. I can just make an entire meal out of hot cornbread and butter.


So the iron skillet is the trick huh? Okay, I am so trying that the next time :)



Oh, yum...cornbread! I just did a post last week on homemade cornbread in the iron skillet too. Love it with soup this time of year. I use buttermilk too. Happy eating!



I use an iron skillet also, but make my cornbread from scratch. I have tried very, VERY hard over the years to duplicate my grandmother's recipe. She makes the best cornbread ever. I can come close, but it never tastes the same.

I made some cornbread last night with our veggie soup and didn't have buttermilk, which is what I use. So, I had to use regular milk. Saw some sour creme sitting there and decided to add a big teaspoon of that - ohmigosh! That was the moistest, fluffiest cornbread. I will definitely do that again.


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