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September 21, 2007



It is a beautiful flower...and just a little FYI it's seeds are a hallucinogen.

Sarenda Davison

I have tried to grow these for the past couple of years here in Toledo, Ohio with no luck! :(


I found your post while searching for pictures of a moonflower vine for my blog post about the book "The Moonflower Vine." Have you read it? It was a best seller in the 60's and a friend just gave it to me as a gift. Loved it.

jessica sandoval

Wow this is truly my favorite flower just watching it bloom for the first time and wonderfull sent wow just sends me to a whole diffrent world thank you sending lots of love Jessica


I was looking to see what my moonflowers will look like once they grow and came across your blog! I planted mine along my lattice fence, can't wait to see them! Will be back to visit more often!


i love morning goliry and want now moon flower i need of guidness
so any one tht guied me how to grow the moon flowe
wtih best reagard

Stay at home Mom

You just started that this summer? It looks beautiful, you have quite the green thumb!


These are such fun flowers, aren't they?

Congrats on being featured by Typepad! I'll be back!

tea time and roses

What beautiful photos...I love the plates tucked in below the vine, how pretty that is. Tina they are just beautiful!!




What a lovely flower. I have already printed it in my "blog book" so that I'll remember it until next year. I sure will plant this flower too LOL. Loved the little birdhouse too - or is it a mail box??? I'm not sure, but I loved it anyway.
Love Elzie

Sheryl from Michigan

Beautiful plant. We can't do that to our mailboxes here. . . the mail people complain about bees and being stung while trying to open the boxes up. . . so if there are bees, we won't get our mail delivered!!

Love yours though.

Have a blessed day!


The moonflower vine is wonderful - does it do well in full sun? I have a fence that needs some help!

Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss

Hi Tina, I just posted a picture of my mammoth moonflower the other day...mine does not grow like a vine, and the leaves are a little different but the smell is out of this world! Love the vine over the mailbox!

Betty at Country Charm

What a coincidence....today I did my Show and Tell about my Moonflower bush. These have no scent but the same bloom.....However I do grow Moonflower vine and oh the scent is heavenly. I couldn't show the Moonflower vine because it was pouring dogs and cats and I couldn't get outside to make a picture today...beautiful pictures......

Becky from TN

Oh Tina.....your new header is CUTE, CUTE, CUTE! Do you ever sleep??? LOL! As for your moonflower vine....Beautiful! Here in TN we can grow them easily. Moonflowers and morning glories are two of my favorites. I also love zinnias. I can remember my Mama always planting zinnia seeds every summer and then cutting them for her kitchen table. I sure wish we lived nearby.........do you realize how many people want to live near you?? :)

Teresa@PlumWater Cottage

Love the new header...reminds me of a vintage table cloth I have. The moonflower vine is so pretty...we've had virtually no rain here this past summer, so my flowers are a bit pathetic.


Soo pretty a vine! Would not last long here though with our winters. Your recipe book is too cute. As does everyone else did you do your header...I see tutorials in your future rofl. xoxo, cherry

bs honey

Hi, tina,
Beautiful flower. I have family in Houston and in Dallas. One of the family members brought a planting of the moonflower to me, here in Mississippi. It was florishing for two whole years, and then it bite the dust. Don't know what happened to it. But, I plan to get another planting asap.
And for Teresa. What in this world are hummingbird moths? Can anyone else answer this for me?

Becky Schultea

Such gorgeousness (is that a word?) abounding here today! Love the moonflower vine - and oh how I wish I could smell it!! Your new blog header is fantastic - so YOU - so much like cool vintage linens -it's PERFECT!! Love it!!

Always love the beauty around here -thanks!

Becky S.

Dolly~From my CHERRY heart

Tina, I love your new header!
Oh soooo cherry sweet!!!!!

Ouuuu I like the moon flowers....I will have to put them on my list for next year!

Enjoy your weekend!
Hugz, Dolly

Mrs. Rabe

Love your Moonflower, and I love your new header! Too Cute!!!


Love your new header. I've never tried this plant, but I sure will now. Just beautiful!



Beautiful vine, and I love your new banner! Happy Weekend!


I love vines I will have to try that one.
Your new blog is beautiful. Did you do it yourself?


Oh it looks so beautiful! Love the plates too!


Hi Tina.
Wow..so pretty! Love your cute mailbox too. What a sweet welcome to your beautiful home!~Rosemary


I love these vines! My favorite color of flowers to plant in the garden are white ones because the moonlight makes them glow. You must speak sweetly to your vine because it looks really happy!



Your moonflowers are just gorgeous Tina! Try has i might i can never get them to grow at my house! So i guess i will just have to " share" yours! I can almost smell them now!...... :)
Thanks for sharing them with all of us!

Linda's Blue Gate

I am a HUGE fan of the moon vine. This morning ... while it was still dark ...I went to get the paper and there were 8 hummingbird moths on my moon-vine... you are so right there is nothing so wonderful as the scent of the moon flower..
Have a great weekend


My smell-o-meter isn't working well on my computer today...but these lovely flowers are a vision...I think I'm going to have to try these next year...along my back fence line...always looking for something beautiful to place there. It's one of those flowers that is a double giver...beautiful blooms and a fragrant smell! Gotta love those! Thanks for sharing, Tina...



What a beautiful vine! I haven't heard of this before so it'll be on my list for next spring :)

Happy Friday,


Those are beautiful...never tried to grow them...maybe next year. I love Morning Glories...hence my e-mail address!


Hi Tina,
My moonflower vine comes back every year. I'm sure you'll have moonflowers galorie next year. I live in Ohio with bitter cold winter..I never understood Lake Effect until I moved here...they weather through the cold just fine so yours will REALLY florish.

Junie Moon

Oh, this is a fantastically beautiful plant. It looks super healthy, too. I'm adding this to my house dream book for when we move back to the south. I don't think this gorgeous plant would survive in my Tucson yard.

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